Everything put in the right light





Product Photography





Object Photography

Convince your customers with professionally placed product photographs in the right light.


A trained and experienced eye often sees more. Only the best for your product.

Clear Glass Objects

Are objects very difficult to photograph?
Yes, but there are solutions...


Here is a glass cooler with many turns. The coils were photographed through the glass shell of the radiator.

Clear Glass Objects

Are objects very difficult to photograph?
Yes, but there are solutions...


Here is a glass cooler with many turns. The coils were photographed through the glass shell of the radiator.





Glass Sculpture



Red Dragon

Detail of a gas sculpture made of semi-transparent, red glass. The challenge here was to find the right lighting to highlight the details.







other genres ...




Paradeiser - Scheurich | Wertheim



Animal portrait - Bella | Wertheim-Wartberg



Hot Glass - Wertheimer Glaskunst




and, and, and ...




Photo service

High-quality photography on site or in my creative workshop.
Simply contact me free of charge and without obligation. No project is too small or too big.


We will find a solution!